Preparing yourself to answer behavioural questions 

Spinwell Global

Posted Feb 24, 2023

Preparing yourself to answer behavioural questions 

Preparing yourself for an interview involves being ready to answer questions relating to your skills and job experience alongside qualifications you may have. However, to add to that, what is also important is to be prepped for behavioural interview questions.

 These questions are aimed at analysing what you have done or would do in certain situations or scenarios, this gives the hiring manager an insight to your attributes, experience and capabilities.

Examples of behavioural interview questions: 

Behavioural interview questions sound a little something like this:

Some behavioural questions may require you to put yourself in hypothetical scenarios and utilise your imagination to come up with an answer. In cases like these, you need to be able to think on your feet. But what can make answering such questions easier? Let’s take a look below:

Developing your stories 

In the past, you may have experienced similar situations to the hypothetical question being asked by the interviewer. As such, what you can do is utilise what you’ve learnt through these experiences and compose a short story in under a minute on how you have tackled similar issues at your previous workplace (ensuring that the issue is relevant to the question being asked)

Sample behavioural interview questions: 






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