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What is contract work and what are the advantages of it?

What is Contract Work? and What are the Advantages?

What are the Advantages of Contract Work?

The common misconception surrounding contract work is that it is often viewed as less valuable when compared to permanent roles. However, those who prefer contract work over permanent positions may be doing so because they want to supplement their income while furthering their education, supporting their families, starting a new business, and so on. Contractual work also comes with a host of benefits. For example, more often than not, it comes with a higher salary.


Gaining new skills and experience-

Working in temporary positions can help you build your skills and experience. As technology advances, the need to adapt and progress your skills becomes increasingly important for long-term employability.


As opposed to permanent roles, contract work has far more flexibility over work hours. Additionally, you can take on work that will enable you to focus on your day-to-day life.

Pay scale-

In most cases, people believe that contract work pays less. Although this may be the case for entry-level roles, it is not the same for the more skilled employees. Contract pay rates are often higher to compensate for the lack of long-term job security. Effectively, a contractor could earn as much as, if not more, in six months as opposed to the same role in a long-term position over the course of a year’s income.

High demand for contract roles-

Contract roles are in high demand, and this model is expected to continue to grow and evolve. In a lot of cases, companies have short-term projects that do not require full-time staff to be employed. Due to this, hiring companies are looking to find temporary specialists to come in and complete their projects, creating plenty of roles and opportunities in the process. As a result, temporary jobs will become available to go hand in hand with what you are looking for, your interests, skills, and experience.

Taking time off-

Taking time off can be difficult in a permanent role, especially when compared to a contracting job. With contract roles, you can take breaks in-between jobs. However, with permanent positions, it can be awkward to schedule time off of work. Unlike in a permanent role, contractors will have an agreed end date for the projects they are working on to plan their private lives around.

Job Hunting whilst Employed

Job Hunting While Employed

Job hunting whilst already being employed can be a bit of a challenge. Looking for a job can be time-consuming at the best of times, but doing so while at your current setup is an added pressure. A pressure that requires you to be discreet as you do not want to lose your current job.

Tips on job hunting whilst being employed

Be Discreet

Do not discuss your intention to switch jobs with your co-workers because there is always the risk that this information will reach your superiors. Once management finds out, it could result in a toxic atmosphere and even being let go.

Use personal devices when job searching

Do not use company devices to carry out non-work-related affairs. Work devices always leave a digital footprint. Instead, use a personal contact number, email address, and a non-work-issued device with your own data plan instead of company Wi-Fi.


List down your previous employers as your referees and let them know in advance that you are doing so.

Updating your LinkedIn profile

Be sure to update your LinkedIn account with your most recent accomplishments and achievements. Make sure that you use an updated and professional photo.

Maintain a positive attitude and do not neglect your current role

Although you might feel dejected and like your current position is not the right fit for you. Try and continue to be a team player and maintain a positive attitude. Complete your tasks on time and remain professional—it is only a matter of time before you get an opportunity to land an interview and secure a new role. So be patient and bide your time.

Never badmouth your current employer

Maintain a positive attitude and focus on moving forward. You’re probably dissatisfied with your current job, but focus on what you’ve gained and learned from your previous experiences. You might have even figured out what doesn’t work for you and what you want to avoid in your next role. Regardless of your situation with your current employer, you do not want to come across as unprofessional or immature when talking about your experience in your next interview. You could end up portraying yourself as being untrustworthy.

Let your recruiter and hiring managers know that you want your job search to be discreet

Make it clear that you would appreciate it if only the necessary people were involved in your job searching process.

Scheduling interviews

Ensure that your interviews are scheduled during non-work hours. Continue to be productive at work and suggest a time when you are free to attend interviews. Additionally, don’t ask to be interviewed right after a meeting; this could throw you off as you could dwell on what just happened. Attempt to book an interview on a day off, or if you have to, do it over a lunch break, create as much time as possible to be mentally prepared.

Your Guide to CV Writing

Your Guide to CV Writing

In any job search process, it is key that you have a well-structured CV with all the essential information set out in a neat, concise, and clear manner. Hiring managers use CVs to help them shortlist candidates, and so it is vital that your CV is formatted correctly. 

Let’s take a look at how we should write a CV: 

Your personal statement 

Be brief and direct. Highlight your achievements, skills, experience, and qualifications. However, make sure that it is relevant to the role that you are applying for. Your personal statement should consist of a few short sentences, so keep it to the point. 

Employment history 

It is common practise to list your past employment history in reverse chronological order, i.e., your most recent job role, company you worked for, and length of your period there should be at the top. 

Qualifications, skills, education, and training 

It is best to list the aforementioned in bullet points, showcasing your steady growth and successes. For your educational qualifications, make sure to include the dates you attended as well as any awards or grades you may have received. 


Mention that your references are available on request. The purpose of this is to support the information on your CV and for the hiring company to carry out their own due diligence. 

Proof read 

Avoid spelling and grammar errors; they may hurt your chances of getting the job because they can be interpreted as laziness or a lack of attention to detail. 

Avoid buzzwords   

Phrases such as “team player,” “detail-oriented,” and “hard worker” are overused. You want to stand out, so show what differentiates you from the rest and what makes you unique. Instead, use examples of how you have applied a skill to your job. 

Employment gaps 

It is always best to explain why you were unemployed during certain periods of your career history. Reasons may range from termination of contract, health issues, prioritising family, and so on. 

With regards to any illness, if it took place over a decade ago, it is not worth mentioning. However, if it took place fairly recently, it is only fair that you explain it to some degree. This may involve you explaining that although you did take some time off for your health, you have bounced back and are ready for work. 

For reasons relating to termination of contract, it is understandable for you to have a gap in your employment. However, in this case, what hiring managers/employers pay attention to is what you were doing during the break; if you attended any training courses or workshops to enhance your skills, did some community volunteer work, etc. 

Do you have a CV that is complete and ready to be put forward for job applications? Send it to us at– https://www.spinwellglobal.com/registration.aspx and get hired.