Remote working has indeed become the new norm. Not only does it prompt major benefits to your work-life balance, it also prompts opportunities to enjoy it.
There’s savings being made in terms of transportation costs, flexible scheduling meaning you can work around family commitments and other personal needs whilst also refraining from office politics that may arise.
However, the downside to this is your efforts made to the company you are working for may not always be seen or visible. This means you need to take necessary steps to ensure that your growth and career development is taken care of.
Below, we will discuss a few ways on making the most out of working remotely:
1. Digital Presence
Since most of the work is done behind a screen and you are rarely meeting your employees/colleagues physically, instead of just a regular call, it would be advisable for you to arrange video calls periodically to stay in touch.
This will act as a slight reminder of you as part of the team and you will also have the ability to pick up on physical cues from colleagues that may not necessarily be picked up on through other forms of communication.
2. Physical Presence
It would be a good idea to come into the office physically periodically and have small catch ups with your co-workers.
For meetings, for instance, to have a rather free flowing conversation with your team, it would make such a difference to occasionally be able to speak face to face about shared goals within the team whilst also having an opportunity to highlight your successes.
3. Updating your team
In many cases, what can be frustrating for co-workers is uncertainty- not knowing what your schedule is like or when you will be coming into work and more. And so, communication plays a great role here.
Ensure that you are keeping in touch with them and fill them in on reminders about when you will be physically coming into work and provide gentle reminders on your availability at the beginning of each week. You can also ensure that your voicemails and email signature lets callers know when you will be working remotely.
4. Participation
Take on every opportunity you possibly can. The biggest disadvantage that remote working prompts is often being overlooked for promotions or new projects or even certain roles.
Don’t be shy to raise your hand to be considered to take on special projects or initiatives. Make use out of the opportunity to communicate with the senior management and other colleagues so they have your name in mind if required for new opportunities that may turn up.
Preparing yourself for an interview involves being ready to answer questions relating to your skills and job experience alongside qualifications you may have. However, to add to that, what is also important is to be prepped for behavioural interview questions.
These questions are aimed at analysing what you have done or would do in certain situations or scenarios, this gives the hiring manager an insight to your attributes, experience and capabilities.
Examples of behavioural interview questions:
Behavioural interview questions sound a little something like this:
Some behavioural questions may require you to put yourself in hypothetical scenarios and utilise your imagination to come up with an answer. In cases like these, you need to be able to think on your feet. But what can make answering such questions easier? Let’s take a look below:
Developing your stories
In the past, you may have experienced similar situations to the hypothetical question being asked by the interviewer. As such, what you can do is utilise what you’ve learnt through these experiences and compose a short story in under a minute on how you have tackled similar issues at your previous workplace (ensuring that the issue is relevant to the question being asked)
Sample behavioural interview questions:
Cracking a joke or two at work can create a rather comfortable, (in often cases) fun and a rather calming environment, however, bear in mind not to get too carried away!
A good sense of humour can pose numerous benefits as listed below:
Increased team spirit/morale and ease tension and stress levels
Humour can help bring people together to work on tasks and solve problems comfortably. In fact, it is a great tool when it comes to lightning the mood amidst tense situations whilst boosting morale.
Organizational culture
At a corporate setting, employees often want to put their best foot forward when taking on their responsibilities and in doing so have their game faces on and take themselves a bit too seriously.
A sense of humour in such instances can assist in a refreshing change of pace and showcase your personality a little outside of work. This in turn can help forge a bond and create a more jovial atmosphere.
Productivity and creativity
Humour is a great tool when it comes to encouraging interaction and brainstorming of new strategies, ideas, game plans and so on. Not only will it boost productivity, but also influence your work ethic in a rather positive manner as you will tend to enjoy your work more.
From a managerial perspective, employees would see you as more approachable. They would feel all the more comfortable to approach you with innovative new ideas that they may have.
Having said that, it is extremely important that you are mindful of the kind of jokes you are making. Ensure that the jokes you make are not racist, ageist, sexist, does not offend anyone’s culture, traditions or norms and that no form of discrimination is prompted.
1. Look into industries that remain the least affected by a recession
Industries such as education, IT, legal, and healthcare remain the least affected due to the products and services they provide.
It would be quite beneficial to look into these industries for work and see what particular jobs are in high demand. To add to that, you may even add transferable skills to your CV that make you a far more flexible candidate in the job market.
2. Freelancing
Freelancing is a great way to enhance your experience and boost job prospects. Alongside that, it is a unique way in which the range of your skills increase.
3. Networking
It is always best to network. Communicate with people within your industry through professional social media networks like LinkedIn—especially those that are like-minded and share the same interests as you. Expand your network to see if there may be any vacancies that may not be advertised.
4. Relocation
Relocating could be an option to consider depending on the vacancies available in your area. The job you’re looking for may be difficult to find within your geographical reach. For instance, if you want to do something IT-related, it would make sense to be closer to somewhere in the city than in rural areas.
5. Remote working
Since the pandemic, there has been a major increase in the number of remote job roles available. Companies are able to save on office bills, and you will be able to save on travel expenses. Thanks to the nature of the working model, you will be able to work from anywhere, opening job opportunities that may not have been an option previously.
6. Writing a strong cover letter and CV
It is important that you craft your CV and cover letter according to the job description at hand. Ensure that you pick out key words and phrases from the job description and incorporate them into your CV so the hiring manager sees you as the candidate that they are looking for.
Demonstrate and articulate all your skills and achievements, and what makes you a unique candidate. Draw on examples of your past experiences and how you applied your skills to a task.
7. Consider looking for Temporary work
Although you may be looking for a full-time job, remember that temporary work can assist in bridging the gap amidst your job search. During a period of recession, many companies consider hiring employees as contractors before making the decision to offer full-time employment.
It may also be beneficial to contact recruiters for assistance in your job search. Recruiters like Spinwell will usually be notified of roles that may not be advertised.
The length of work in a temporary role will depend on the company as well as what kind of work they need you to do. So, remember that your exceptional performance at your temporary job can help you expand your professional development, which in turn may even help in your search for full-time work.
In many cases it is a bit of a task maintaining relationships with colleagues who may also be your friend outside of work. In such situations to ensure that workplace politics and backstabbing don’t take over, the Helpfulness, Appropriateness and Tact (HAT) principal may come in handy.
Friendships are often tested when jealousy takes root. One such factor that influences these things at the workplace could be a difference in job titles/hierarchy in the workplace. Where this comes into play, it is often good to remember that kindness and selfless gestures can go a long way.
If you happen to come up with ideas of ways in which workplace morale or team spirit can be boosted, start off by making these small suggestions and take look at how a positive environment can permeate throughout the office.
Setting boundaries at work is extremely important. Part of team building involves light hearted, personal conversations that may take place at work which is completely okay especially if you wish to climb up the ladder whilst maintaining positive relationships with your colleagues.
However, it is also important that boundaries are set so that when important conversations take place, you are taken seriously. To ensure this, clear communication is essential.
Friendships in a workplace can often be tricky especially if you are dealing with situations that may require you to provide performance reviews of your fellow colleagues or work together on a project. Therefore, it is always important to keep an unbiased and neutral train of thought while being mindful of your choice of words or when making necessary decisions or suggestions.
Remote working has become the new norm. With that, there is every possibility that you will face a job interview virtually.
Although this may not be the traditional setting for an interview, there are a few advantages to facing one this way. For example, saving on travel expenses and the time it takes that comes with travelling. Below are some key tips on how to present yourself and be video interview ready.
Test your equipment
Have a stable internet connection; a reliable device; and ensure you are connected to a power supply so your device stays on throughout the interview. Your computer shutting down mid-conversation is not a good look, especially if the job you are interviewing for is a remote one.
Use a desktop or laptop instead of a mobile phone or tablet. Desktops and laptops are steadier, minimising the risk of a shaky screen, which might interrupt the flow of your interview and frustrate the interviewer.
Presentation—backgrounds, professional appearance and lighting
Present yourself professionally. First impressions count, so dress to impress and show the interviewer that this job means a lot to you.
In terms of lighting and background, set yourself up in front of a well-lit plain white or light-coloured background to avoid distraction. You want the focus on you and the interviewer to see you.
Set up away from any disturbance
Ensure that the environment you choose to set up for your interview is in a quiet setting, free of noise or anything that might disrupt the flow of the conversation.
Practise makes perfect
Practising for an interview is a given. Be sure to research the company, get to know its morals and culture, and figure out how you could be of value to them. Practise answering a few sample questions to get into the flow of things.
Setting up your camera
Before being interviewed, position the camera so that your head and shoulders are visible. Make sure that you are at eye level with the camera, and when answering questions, try to look directly into the camera and address your audience confidently.
Stay composed
In virtual interviews, pause for a few seconds after a question to account for delays and gather your thoughts. There may be instances where you choose to answer a question directly after it has been asked and unintentionally end up cutting off your interviewer, accidentally speaking over them and coming across as rude in the process.
LinkedIn is your online resume.
LinkedIn can be used as an online version of your CV. It provides numerous other benefits, such as connecting you to industry peers, increased exposure to hiring managers and recruiters, a great job board, and other advantages.
Make sure your LinkedIn profile is frequently updated. Let’s look at a few methods for transforming your LinkedIn profile into an effective CV.
Think of LinkedIn as your new CV
LinkedIn reports that 97% of recruiters and hiring managers utilise LinkedIn to recruit employees. This makes it all the more important for you to make your profile stand out. The least you can do is consistently update your profile with the various accomplishments which you have achieved and your career timeline.
Ensure you have a recent, professional-looking picture/headshot on your profile. You do not want to surprise the hiring team in an interview!
Make a distinction between your professional and personal social profiles
One of the instances where hiring companies reject candidates is due to their online activity. Feel free to post and do as you please on your social accounts. However, it is best to adjust your settings and make those accounts private.
Use your LinkedIn account to publicly display your professional accomplishments, recent career history, and skills.
Ensure that your contact details are on your profile
Do not miss out on opportunities because you have not provided your contact details.
Typos and grammatical errors
Ensure that your profile is grammatically correct and free of spelling errors. Write clearly and concisely to present a positive image of yourself. It’s recommended to proofread your CV, and your LinkedIn profile should be no different.
Utilise LinkedIn’s functions
LinkedIn has a host of functions that you can use to engage with peers, recruiters and hiring companies. You can interact with companies directly by commenting and reacting to their content, declaring your interest in them in the process.
You can showcase your work and use LinkedIn as a portfolio to attract hiring companies, displaying what you have to offer. This can be in various mediums; video, graphics, blogs etc.
For any candidate post-interview, it is normal to have feelings of apprehension or to be eager and want an update on how the interview went. Perhaps you were told that you would hear back from the interviewer by a particular date but haven’t. In this case, how do you write a follow-up email without coming across as annoying or informal? Let’s take a look below…
Allow for a few days, perhaps 3-5 days after your interview. Give the hiring team time to review their options- you don’t want to come across as overly pushy.
Be formal, direct and to the point. Maintain your professionalism even through an email. Express your purpose of sending the email, i.e., that you are looking for an update following the interview.
Do not overthink this. Make it as direct as possible. If you have received an email from the interviewer in the past, it is best to reply directly. If not, include your name, date of interview and time mentioned as the subject.
If you previously referred to the interviewer on a first-name basis, feel free to go ahead with that. If you are unsure, refer to them by their title followed by their last names.
Do not overcomplicate this section. Be direct, explain the purpose of your email and be sure to mention the job role/title and the date of your interview. Express again how keen you are about this role and that you are eager to hear the next steps. Do not forget to mention how any response is greatly appreciated.
Keep it simple. Sign off with- “Hope to hear from you soon” and “Thank you” with your full name.
Ensure that your email is free of spelling and grammar mistakes before sending it through.
Subject: John Parker – Interview on 03rd June, Tuesday at 4 pm
Good afternoon/Hi James,
I hope all is well. I wanted to see if there is perhaps a status update on the <<job role>> position I interviewed for on the <<date>> I am of course still very much interested and keen on the position and am looking forward to hearing from you.
Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you again for your time.
<<Your name>>
This classic question is often asked in interviews and is also one that you should consider asking yourself. In an interview setting, the question could also be reworded to ‘what environment do you work best in?’
So, let’s take a look at a few tips on how to address this question:
Example: “I am relatively flexible; I do not have just one particular environment that works best for me. I have my fair share of experience working in both remote roles and roles that involve me having to be in the office. I find that provided communication is clear, there should be an added boost in productivity and quality of work. “
Explanation: This shows that you are flexible and able to work in any sort of environment. It also shows what you value the most in your workplace: communication.
Example: “To me, an environment that consists of a collaborative and strong work ethic certainly pertains to my interests. I take my responsibility very seriously to ensure that I do my best and cater to the company’s growth and success whilst also making sure I do not let any of my teammates down.”
Explanation: This answer comes in handy for roles that involve a lot of group work and working with other colleagues in teams. It shows your sense of camaraderie and also demonstrates a level of responsibility.
Example: “In my opinion, an ideal work environment instils a positive workplace culture. Upon my research, I noticed how the company’s vision and mission go hand in hand and align with my interests and what is important to me regarding my professional development. I also excel in environments where I get to expand my skills and learn more through on-field experiences.”
Explanation: This answer shows how you have done your homework. It shows how you are eager to learn and how driven and determined you are. It also reflects on your personality and how you work well with others.
Example: “An ideal work environment to me, is one where I feel purposeful. It is where I feel like my skills and abilities are utilised to the max, to help the company achieve their visions, missions and goals and also where I can assist my colleagues as well as learn from them. I think given the responsibilities at hand, this company is the perfect place for me to contribute to the welfare of the organisation and its successes whilst sharpening my skills.”
Receiving multiple job offers can be both exciting and overwhelming. You may face a situation that involves you making a difficult decision. How can you be sure you are making the right one? What do you do? How do you effectively manage multiple offers?
Ensure that your job offers are not just verbal; get them in writing. If you receive the job opportunity verbally, ask them when you can expect a written contract and use that time to assess your options.
If you receive two or more offers, declare your interest without accepting any roles immediately. If you are interested in more than one, take your time and list the pros and cons to see which is best for you. Regardless of your decision, thank the hiring company and let them know that you are excited about the opportunity but require some time to review all the details and look into the specifics more closely before coming to a final decision.
While deciding between multiple offers, remain professional and maintain communication by responding to whatever emails you receive.
Choosing your next job is a big deal that involves your livelihood and your future. Make sure you gather all of the information from the hiring companies when forming your decision. Relevant information may include salary, job description, benefits, and company culture.
Be honest with the hiring companies when asked whether or not you are interviewing for other jobs. The last thing you want to do is say yes to an offer, have the company take down the job listing and let the other candidates know that the role has now been occupied, only to retract your statement because another opportunity came along. This will cost the company valuable time and money and hinder the other candidates looking into the role. Your reputation can be negatively affected, especially if you encounter the company later in your career.
When making this important decision, think about your career goals. Will this help you develop your skills in the long run? Will this provide the experience you need to further advance in your career?
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