Successful Recruitment and Future Employee Retention – What Should I Consider?

Spinwell Global

Posted Jun 07, 2022

Successful Recruitment and Future Employee Retention – What Should I Consider?


Successful and effective recruitment means a lot more than simply hiring the most skilled person for the role advertised. Aside from an outlined skillset (which is still definitely to consider), the candidate appointed for a role must cover multiple bases. The recruitment process not only has a financial impact on a business but it can damage internal relationships and result in current employees becoming unhappy at work. The overall importance of successful recruitment will be further discussed throughout this blog.

Balanced Employees vs Skilled Employees

Let’s start with a leading factor which most organisations will consider a priority when recruiting; the skills of the employee. This should always be considered, don’t worry! If there is an experienced, educated and uniquely skilled employee on offer then they are likely to find themselves near the top of any recruiter’s list, as they should. However, what we are saying is that ability should never be the only factor considered. This skilled individual may be skilled in different industries or have limited applicable abilities to the role on offer. It is also important to consider the harmony of your current workforce. Will the new employee disturb the current workplace balance? Although we are not advocating for socialisation to dominate the workplace, we are stating that strong relationships are key aspects to achieving synergy.

The Cost of Staff Retention

Losing staff is never a pleasant subject matter. With employers losing 25% of all new talent within the first year, finding an effective fit the first time is tricky by can be worth the hassle in the long term. In terms of your business, replacing staff can be costly and often requires dedicated time to allow for appropriate training for the role. For your employees, losing a valuable member of their team can put a strain on their role if mismanaged, allowing the cycle to present itself again. By understanding candidate skill sets and how they may best integrate into your company, you can assess whether your values are aligned and establish a mutual value offering.

Company Perception – Internal and External

Your staff act as ambassadors for your business, so demonstrating a positive company culture will not only create a happy environment – but it helps recruit exciting future talent through positive perception! Value propositions are a large part of recruitment – what can you offer employees in exchange for their service? Whether it’s tangible benefits or a supportive team structure, it’s vital you demonstrate these components when going through the recruitment process. Having a well-established recruitment and onboarding process not only makes things easier for both parties involved but allows even unsuccessful candidates to leave with a positive interpretation of your organisation.

As previously discussed, ensuring staff are a good fit in your current company structure will decrease the amount of disruption experienced by your business. It can be incredibly difficult to understand this in the early stages, so hiring a recruitment expert can help extract this information for your assessment. Overall, it is recommended to consider an employee who covers all bases and is balanced in their abilities overtaking just the most experienced or skilled every time. Remember – you can train skills and gain experience, relationships and social skills are natural!

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